Mountaitn #3

Mountaitn #3
8 x 10 acrylic on stretched linen canvas

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

River Walk at Padre Park
11x14 acrylic on Bavarian linen panel
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My youngest son and I recently went along the San Antonio river on the river walk. Most people are familiar with the River Walk in downtown San Antonio, but it actually stretches along the river throughout the city and also along a few major creeks. Here we walked from Mission county park, which is about 2 miles south of downtown and down past Padre Park. I turned it into a photo shoot for painting ideas. At Padre Park there is like a little dam with a water ladder which has some nice white water falls, but this painting is of the dam just before the entrance to the water ladder. I have a thing for rocks and trees and this rock at the point of two triangles (the river and the concrete) was a natural focal point. So I doctored it up by omitting a few unnecessary objects and there you go.

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